Red Porgy (Pagrus Pagrus)
Family : Sparidae
Latin : Sparus pagrus, Pagrus pagrus
Local Names : US&UK: Common Sea Bream, Red Porgy, Couch’s Sea Bream, Denmark: Almindelig blankesten, France: Pagaru, Pagre, Pagre Commun, Germany: Gewöhnliche Rotbrasse, Sackbrasse, Greece: Fagri, Phágri Mertzáni, Israel: Shefarnun, Italy: Albaro pagro, Beguzo, Cantarella, Fagari, Poland: Pagrus rózowy, Pagrus karaibski, Russia: Пагр обыкновенный, Sweeden: Rödbraxen, Turkey: Fangri, Mercan
With years of R&D studies, we have selected the best broodstock and now we have the best quality for red porgy which we cultivate in an open sea area where the water quality is best. This helps fish to live in an environment closest to their natural habitat so we offer much more delicious and healthy fish to the table.
Marketed as
Frozen and fresh, whole
Frozen and fresh, cleaned inside
Frozen and fresh, fillets
Grading from 400/600g to 1000g+