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Marine Aquarium
In the marine aquarium section, which is a separate unit in our facilities, we cultivate clownfish, also known as anemonefish, with its all subspecies.
In nature, clown fish are in a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones and this is important for ecological balance. The colors of the clown fish attract other fish and these hunters become the prey of the anemones. Clownfish also maintain this mutually beneficial relationship by keeping away some predators that pose a threat to anemones.
Catching the clown fish from nature for hobbies such as the marine aquarium can threaten the ecological balance and continuity of the species in the long term.
The cultivation of the species not only contributes to the ecological balance, it also allows us to observe much more gene diversity and the emergence of different subspecies compared to the natural environment where only one out of 10 thousand clown fish larvae lives thanks to natural selection. Thus it is possible to observe new forms with very rare genotypes of the species by transferring the recessive genes seen once in every 50,000 fish to the sub lineages.
Among the clown fish we cultivate there is a new species with spots on it which has never been seen in this species in the world.