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Aquaculture Production of
White Grouper
White Grouper
"Epinephelus Aeneus"
First & Only in the WorldThe Largest RAS Hatchery
Micro Algae Unit in Europe
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Micro Algae Unit in Europe
Offshore Cultivation
Eco Friendly Production Technologies
Based on Ecological Sustainability Principles
Our on-growing and fry species
After 12 year of R&D studies we now cultivate fingerlings and on-growing White Grouper "Epinephelus Aeneus" as one of our main species.
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After a decade of R&D we now have top quality broodstock which provides us fingerlings to cultivate a seabass to 1 kg weight in 3 years and 2 kg in 5 years.
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After a decade of R&D we now have top quality broodstock of sea bream. We cultivate ongrowing seabream in an open sea area where the water quality is best in west mediterranean.
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After a decade of R&D we now have top quality broodstock of meagre. We cultivate ongrowing meagre in an open sea area where the water quality is best in west mediterranean.
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What do we do?
As Akvatek, in order to add value to aquaculture industry, we continuously conduct R&D studies in order to to achieve maximum efficiency and results closest to nature and also cultivate different, untested and high economic value species as aquaculture.

- R&D Studies
- Eco-Friendly Cultivation
- Natural Feed Technologies
- Cultivation Environment Closest to Nature Itself
- Better Sizes of Fish in Same Growing Period
- Ecological Sustainability
- Academic Studies
- And More...
First example of the White Grouper cultivation in aquaculture industry
In our closed circuit algae production unit, which is the largest in Europe, with the production of Rotifer and Artemia system, from the larval stage, we enrich rotifers with 4 different algae cultures, which are the main sources of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids to meet the animal nutritional needs of fish with zooplankton as in their natural environment.
In the hatchery 3% of the total water is changed each hour. This is possible thanks to the use of drum filters, protein skimmers, disinfection with ozone and ultraviolet light, and biological filters, which clean the water before it is recycled. The 3% of new water that enters the system is to compensate for the loss of water through evaporation or from the
drum filter. The fish reared in this system are also primed for being introduced into the sea.
All of our cages are positioned in offshore areas where the water quality is the best for cultivation in Turkey. In this way, we do not prevent the movement of the fish continuously in cold water which is inherent in fish species such as Seabass, and we avoid the fat structure remaining only in the skin of the fish as in easy and common cultivation methods in glassy, warm water in coves. Since with our methods fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 are included in the muscle structure of the moving fish, we offer much more delicious and healthy fish to the table.
Growing fish to large sizes such as over 1 kg comes with a cost. Normally a seabass reaches 1 kg in 4 years, though as Akvatek, we have managed to reduce that period to 3 years, while a 2 kg fish takes 5 years.
We can harvest quickly on your demand and deliver your orders whereever in the world in a very short period. If you are interested in our high quality and highly nutritional products, please fill up the “Quote Request Form”. You can go to form page by clicking the button. We will get back to you very quickly.
"It was the most delicious seabass I have had lately 🙂 Many thanks to Mr. Emrah Pamuk for this delicious experience!"
Fating Da Silva
"Thank you Mr. Cumhur for your hospitality and detailed information about Akvatek"


Tahsin TAN




Nihan ARIG